Wednesday 31 March 2021


 Hello bloggers, over the week we have been writing about a Lego crash. It was BORING writing about it. Do you like Lego? 

One day I was a colorful chopper flying peacefully in the air. Then all of a sudden the chopper was flashing red and there was a loud beeping noise. The plane was falling and I had no parachute to get away. The choppa landed and all the bits scattered along the floor. I was so surprised I was alive. I was in pain and was screaming for help. I had no idea where I was, I closed my eyes then fell asleep. When I woke up I was in hospital with my family and was covered in bandages. I broke my right arm and both my legs. I survived.

Friday 19 March 2021

Oakley Creek Slide

 Hello bloggers. Over the week we have been doing an Oakley Creek slide. Did you learn anything?

Tunnel Writing Prompt 1

 Hello bloggers, yesterday my class and I had to write about the Oakley creek waterfall. It was boring writing about the picture.We had to post our favourite sentence. Have you ever been to Oakley Creek? 

There are 2 meter eels slowly slithering up the waterfall leaving a slimy trail like a snail.

Tunnel Writing Prompt 2

 Hello bloggers, Yesterday my class and I had to write about a man on a waka with a shark. It was boring writing about the picture, it took about 15 minutes to make. Have you ever seen a shark before?


Start your description here: Quickly the HUMONGOUS great white shark started swimming in the crystal clear water STRAIGHT towards me.  I was super frightened and I wish I was at  home dreaming. I tried to paddle away but it just gave it more attention and the shark ate the boat. I tried to swim away but then another one came and swallowed me whole. THE END


 Hello bloggers, Today me and Teddy made this drawing of Oakley Creek. It is about planting more trees at the creek. It took about 15 minutes to make. It was fun drawing it. How many animals can you see? 

Friday 12 March 2021

Te Reo Chat

 Hello bloggers, yesterday I made a Te Reo conversation on google slides. It was very easy and quick. I liked choosing the character and writing what they where saying. Have you ever made a conversation on google slides? blog you later!

My Modgliani self portrait!

 Hello bloggers. Over the week we have been making a type of art made by Modgliani. The type of art has long necks and long heads. Me and Teddy made ours like Tic Tac shaped heads. It was fun drawing and colouring but my hands were super sore after I finished. What is your favourite colour that I used. Blog you later!!!

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Mathematical Me!

 Hello bloggers. Yesterday Teddy, Jvarn and I had to make a mathematical me slide. It was fun measuring all of my body parts but boring righting it down. Did you know any of the facts?


Wednesday 3 March 2021

My Imaginary Animal!

 Hello bloggers. Today we had to make an imaginary animal or plant. I chose to to an animal, Its name is Flamey. It was fun drawing the animal but hard thinking what his name should be and it was also hard writing why it is is endangered.  Have you ever tried to make an imaginary animal?